Below you will see a few photos of the invite that my friends Chelsea and Erin put together for the baby shower they are throwing here in Lawrence, KS on Saturday. They decided instead of doing the standard flat invitation they would turn it into something delicious. They made these CUTE cupcakes with baby birds on them and passed them out at church. I put three different photos below so hopefully you can see how creative and well made they were.
Baby Update: We are just shy of our 37-week mark! Most Doctors belive 37 weeks to be full term and most of the time baby’s lungs are developed completely. Baby Anderson is doing great! He has a full head of hair and is gaining the appropriate amount of weight. However, since I have gestational diabetes (so they say…) the Doctor does not want him delivered past his due date and for hospital scheduling reasons we have officially scheduled the induction for July 26th! I will go in around 7pm that night and will have a baby (fingers crossed) on the 27th. That is just two weeks from this Sunday… eek As David likes to tell people the pregnancy has flow by but this last few weeks has slowed to a snails pace. The baby can still come any day before the 26th sooooo we will keep you all posted!
Below you will find his latest sono photo. You can see his facial profile and see that he is giving my belly a big kiss! I thought it was kind of cute :)
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